Overview of Player Races

The primary stats table uses the maximum possible stats for each as race compared against humans. Some races also have natural resistances, vulnerabilities and/or abilities.

(Range -> V.Poor, Poor, Fair, Aver, Good, V.Good, Excel, V.Excel)

                        Primary stats by race
           Const   Intel  Strength  Combat  Dexerity  Wisdom  Charisma
Half Elf   Fair   V.Good    Fair     Aver    V.Good    Aver     Aver
High Elf   Fair   V.Good    Fair     Fair     Good     Good     Good
Wood Elf   Fair    Fair    V.Good    Aver    V.Good    Poor    V.Good
Drow       Fair   Excel     Fair     Fair    V.Good    Fair    V.Good
Dwarf      V.Good  Poor     Good     Aver     Aver    V.Good    Fair
Minotaur   Excel   Poor    V.Excel   Aver     Fair     Fair     Poor
Orc        Aver    Fair    Excel     Aver     Aver     Good     Poor
Half Giant V.Exc  V.Poor   V.Excel   Aver     Fair     Poor     Poor
Halfling   Poor   V.Good    Fair     Fair    Excel    V.Good    Fair
Gnome      Poor    Good     Fair     Fair     Good     Excel    Aver
Human      Aver    Aver     Aver     Aver     Aver     Aver     Aver

              Natural Abilities/Restistances by race
            Magic           Rgt Hand   Lft Hand   Damage
            Immun   Carry    Combat     Combat    Resist   Bargaining
Elf         Aver     Aver     Good       Good      Good      V.Poor
Drow        Aver     Aver     Good       Good      Good      V.Poor
Dwarf       Good     Aver    V.Good      Aver      Aver       Poor
Minotaur    Poor     Excel    Excel     V.Good     Poor      V.Poor
Orc         Poor    V.Good   V.Good      Aver     V.Good     V.Poor
Half Giant  Poor    V.Excel   Good       Aver      Fair      V.Good
Halfling    Good     Poor     Good       Good      Good      Excel
Gnome       V.Good   Aver     Aver      V.Good    V.Good      Aver
Human       Aver     Aver     Aver       Aver      Aver       Aver

Starting primary stats by race
Drow Hit points: 75 Combat:.........1/22 Dexterity:......3/26 Intelligence:...2/30 Wisdom:.........1/21 Charisma:.......2/27 Constitution:...1/21 Strength:.......1/21 Dwarf Hit points: 105 Combat:.........1/23 Dexterity:......1/23 Intelligence:...1/20 Wisdom:.........2/28 Charisma:.......1/21 Constitution:...3/27 Strength:.......2/26 Elf: Half Elf Hit points: 75 Combat:.........1/23 Dexterity:......3/27 Intelligence:...2/27 Wisdom:.........1/24 Charisma:.......2/23 Constitution:...1/22 Strength:.......1/22 Elf: High Elf Hit points: 75 Combat:.........1/22 Dexterity:......3/26 Intelligence:...2/27 Wisdom:.........1/26 Charisma:.......2/25 Constitution:...1/21 Strength:.......1/21 Elf: Wood Elf Hit points: 75 Combat:.........1/23 Dexterity:......3/27 Intelligence:...2/22 Wisdom:.........1/20 Charisma:.......2/27 Constitution:...1/22 Strength:.......1/27 Gnome Hit points: 75 Combat:.........1/21 Dexterity:......2/26 Intelligence:...3/26 Wisdom:.........2/30 Charisma:.......1/24 Constitution:...1/20 Strength:.......1/21 Half Giant Hit points: 105 Combat:.........1/24 Dexterity:......1/22 Intelligence:...1/18 Wisdom:.........1/20 Charisma:.......1/20 Constitution:...3/32 Strength:.......3/32 Halfling Hit points: 75 Combat:.........1/21 Dexterity:......2/29 Intelligence:...2/28 Wisdom:.........2/27 Charisma:.......2/22 Constitution:...1/20 Strength:.......1/21 Human Hit points: 90 Combat:.........2/24 Dexterity:......2/24 Intelligence:...2/24 Wisdom:.........2/24 Charisma:.......2/24 Constitution:...2/24 Strength:.......2/24 Minotaur Hit points: 90 Combat:.........2/24 Dexterity:......2/21 Intelligence:...1/20 Wisdom:.........1/21 Charisma:.......1/20 Constitution:...2/30 Strength:.......2/32 Orc Hit points: 90 Combat:.........2/24 Dexterity:......2/23 Intelligence:...1/22 Wisdom:.........1/26 Charisma:.......1/20 Constitution:...2/24 Strength:.......2/29
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